8 04, 2024

Galvanized Steel for Solar Tracking: Applications and Capabilities

2024-04-10T15:16:06+00:00April 8th, 2024|News Blog|

The immense potential of solar power as a renewable energy source is globally acknowledged, leveraging the abundant, clean, and accessible energy from the sun. To maximize sunlight capture throughout the day, solar panels need to be optimally oriented, a task achieved by solar trackers. Furthermore, these devices adjust solar panels or collectors to follow the sun’s path. Significantly, this enhances their efficiency and energy output by 25% to 40% over fixed installations.

What makes a well-designed solar tracker? What material can support the weight and movement of solar panels or collectors while resisting corrosion and rust from exposure to the elements? It’s simple. The answer is galvanized steel.

This blog will explore the role and benefits of galvanized steel for solar tracking and how it can help you achieve your green energy goals. Stay tuned and learn more about galvanized steel for solar tracking and how the leading steel service center, National Material Company, can enhance your sustainable energy projects.

Galvanized steel is an incredibly powerful material that should not be underestimated.

To produce galvanized steel, manufacturers apply a layer of zinc to the steel, which prevents rust and corrosion. In fact, the function of the zinc coating is to act as a sacrificial anode. This means the zinc layer will corrode before the steel layer beneath it. Various industries and applications widely use galvanized steel due to its low cost, long life, and resistance to mechanical damage.

Galvanized steel offers several advantages: 

  • Less expensive than stainless steel and does not require additional surface treatments or coatings.
  • It has a lengthy lifespan of more than 50 years in average environments and more than 20 years in severe water exposure.
  • The galvanization process controls the coating thickness and quality, making it reliable and consistent.
  • As a result of the zinc coating creating a metallurgical bond with the steel, its mechanical properties are improved, rendering it solid and long-lasting.

Some galvanized steel applications are:

  • Construction — People use galvanized steel for roofing, walling, foundations, and structural components such as beams, columns, and frames.
  • Automotive — Manufacturers use galvanized steel to make body panels, chassis, and other parts that must withstand corrosion and maintain strength.
  • Solar — Mounting systems, frames, and supports for solar panels are made with galvanized steel, capable of enduring severe weather and UV exposure.
  • HVAC — Ductwork, pipes, and fittings for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems often utilize galvanized steel due to its ability to prevent both condensation and corrosion.
  • Agriculture — Galvanized steel is used for fencing, silos, greenhouses, and animal shelters. This is because it can resist animal damage and chemical exposure.

Solar Trackers: Where Steel Shines

Image Attribution: https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/photovoltaics-solar-power-station-energy-from-natural_10896368.htm#page=2&query=galvanized%20steel%20in%20solar%20trackers&position=28&from_view=search&track=ais&uuid=965b391b-330b-401a-9427-5fa200bf38bd

Some […]

12 10, 2023

Solar Tracker Manufacturer Spotlight: The Growing Solar Tracker Industry

2023-10-12T16:25:59+00:00October 12th, 2023|News Blog|

The Sun is one of the many powerful forces in our universe and an abundant source of energy. It also nourishes a variety of ecosystems through photosynthesis, while the heat it gives acts as a thermostat for our planet.

Throughout Earth’s history, mankind has found a way to harness the sun’s power to shape our lives. In 212 BC, it was believed that Archimedes, an ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, astronomer, and inventor came up with the infamous Archimedes’ heat ray. He purported to have devised a weapon that focuses the sun’s ray and burns attacking Roman ships during the Siege of Syracuse. Fast forward to today and we see vast fields of solar farms that provide renewable energy.

In today’s blog, we’ll survey the rise of solar trackers and the industry around it. we’ll also explore National Material Company’s (NMC) role in helping solar tracker manufacturers continue their valuable contribution to green energy.

A Brief Description: What is a Solar Tracker?

The principle behind a solar tracker is to maximize the efficiency of solar energy capture. This is done by orienting solar panels or mirrors to follow the sun’s path throughout the day. As we all know, the sun moves as the earth rotates on its axis resulting in movement from east to west. Meanwhile, the Earth’s axial tilt results in the sun’s position changing with the seasons — moving it from north to south.

Two Main Types of Solar Trackers

There are two main types of solar trackers: single-axis and dual-axis. Single-axis trackers move the solar panels or mirrors either in a north-south direction (azimuth) or east-west direction (elevation). Dual-axis trackers, as the name suggests, can move in both directions, allowing for more precise solar tracking.

The main goal is to keep the solar modules perpendicular to the incoming sunlight. This ensures that they receive the maximum amount of solar radiation possible. Ultimately, it increases the overall efficiency and output of solar power generation.

Now that we know how it works, what is the steel industry’s role in this orchestra of power generation?

How Steel Plays a Role in Green Energy

Steel’s many properties make it the go-to material for solar tracker manufacturers. The majority of a tracker’s parts (axes, frames, racks, support poles, and mounts – among others) are made of steel.  However, it’s imperative to choose the right kind of steel. Exposure to corrosive elements means an increase in maintenance charge as these systems are not set-and-forget products.

With the right steel alloy, the lifespan for solar tracking equipment can be up to 25 years. To reach optimal years of service, solar tracker manufacturers must consider the great significance of choosing the right steel. In doing so, they will reduce maintenance labor and overall cost. Another consideration, they need an excellent supply chain provider for their systems.

The Power of Galvanized Steel

The most widely used alloy by the solar energy industry today is galvanized steel. This is […]

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