8 02, 2024

New Year, Great Outlook for Metals Processor National Material Company

2024-02-04T19:21:16+00:00February 8th, 2024|News Blog|

So what exactly makes National Material Company a top-of-the-line metals processor? Read on to find out.

The world we live in today has been greatly influenced by the steel industry, a legacy that all began in the Iron Age, when humans discovered the power of iron. During that time, steel production was still initially time-consuming and expensive. However, a significant turning point arrived with the introduction of the Bessemer converter. The game-changer came in the mid-19th century, revolutionizing steel manufacturing by making it more accessible and cost-effective. This innovation spurred rapid growth and enabled steel’s critical role in constructing everything from skyscrapers to intricate machinery, profoundly impacting society.

The modern steel industry is a sophisticated and advanced sector, characterized by numerous processes. Over the years, multiple advancements have significantly enhanced the efficiency, sustainability, and affordability of metals and steel processing.

National Material Company: Your Leading Metals Processor

National Material Company is North America’s leading metal processor and service provider with a rich history dating back to 1964. What was once a steel service center for electrical grade steel in Chicago, NMC has impressively expanded its capabilities to all types of flat-rolled steel processing. Over the years, they have built several processing facilities in the United States, making their mark in the flat-rolled steel processing and supply chain management sectors.

Today, National Material Company is recognized as a top choice for customers seeking high-quality metal processing services. Their reputation as a reliable metal processor is strengthened by a skilled team, state-of-the-art equipment, and extensive storage capabilities. With multiple locations across the U.S., they efficiently and cost-effectively meet the diverse needs of their clients. NMC’s commitment to excellence, combined with nearly six decades of experience, makes them an invaluable partner in the metals & steel service industry.

Discover a vast array of solutions, offerings, and expertise that NMC can bring to the table:

Galvanized Steel

NMC’s galvanized steel processing capabilities produce a high-quality metal products treated with zinc to make it corrosion and rust-resistant. Therefore, it will last longer than regular steel. The zinc coating helps to protect the steel from harmful elements that can cause corrosion and rust. This makes it a reliable and durable material for any project. Its durability in withstanding harsh weather conditions makes it so popular to an array of industries. These include automotive, construction, wind and solar, energy, and telecommunications.

Advanced High-Strength Steel (AHSS)

Secondly, one of NMC’s most exciting capabilities is the ability to process advanced high-strength steel (AHSS). Engineers have crafted this special steel to exhibit remarkable strength and lightness by utilizing chemical compositions and manufacturing processes. AHSS can form into complex shapes, thereby enabling manufacturers to decrease the number of individual parts required to create a product. It’s perfect for meeting the automotive industry’s strict regulations and helping manufacturers reduce emissions, improve safety, and enhance fuel economy.

Steel Supply


8 01, 2024

Steel Tubing for Solar Trackers & Solar Applications

2024-02-04T19:32:58+00:00January 8th, 2024|News Blog|

Let’s talk about steel tubing for solar trackers.

In the world of renewable energy, solar power has emerged as a promising alternative to fossil fuels. With the increasing demand for solar energy, choosing suitable materials to construct the necessary components has become crucial. For instance, steel tubing plays a vital role in building solar panel mounting systems and supporting structures. However, not all steel tubing is created equal, and choosing a reputable metals processor specializing in steel processing for solar applications is essential.

What is a Solar Tracker?

A solar tracker is a device used in solar energy systems to orient solar panels or solar collectors toward the sun’s path, maximizing their exposure to sunlight throughout the day. Solar panels are typically installed on fixed mounts, which means they have a fixed orientation and receive sunlight at a certain angle. In fact, solar trackers increase the efficiency of solar panel systems by up to 40%, making them an essential part of large-scale solar energy projects.

Focus on Steel Tubing for Solar Panels

With the rise of solar power’s popularity, the use of steel tubing has become increasingly important. Steel tubing is a crucial component in solar tracker systems because it is often used to create the structural framework that supports the solar panels or collectors and allows for the tracking mechanism. It provides the necessary strength and durability to ensure that solar panels can effectively follow the sun’s path and maximize energy production.

There are several options manufacturers utilize in making the best steel tubing for solar panels, including using high-quality carbon or galvanized steel. For instance, carbon steel tubing is strong and durable, making it an ideal choice for solar panel mounts and trackers. Galvanized steel tubing is also popular, as it is resistant to corrosion and rust, making it a suitable choice for outdoor and harsh weather environments.

Steel tube manufacturers offer a full range of tube sizes and d/t ratios, including unique shapes, to meet the specific requirements of solar tracker designs. Also, they provide on-site laser processing capabilities to cut the tubes to length and ensure precise and accurate dimensions.

Exploring the Benefits of Steel Tubing for Solar Applications

Image Attribution: https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/sun-energy-concept-illustration_14664050.htm#query=solar&position=10&from_view=search&track=sph

Roof Mounted Racks

Steel tubing provides roof-mounted racks with the necessary strength and structural integrity to support the weight of solar panels while ensuring that the roof can bear the additional load. It is also thin and lightweight which minimizes the risk of overburdening the structure by distributing the load evenly across the roof. Additionally, the steel tubing ensures the longevity of the rack and, by extension, the solar panel system.


1 11, 2023

Steel Processor Partnership Spotlight: Aluminum Slitting Services

2023-12-06T17:38:56+00:00November 1st, 2023|News Blog|

So, what exactly can one expect from NMC’s aluminum slitting services? Envision a full symphony, where every instrument — from the delicate violin to the mighty timpani — harmoniously combines efforts under the baton of a capable conductor, and the result is a beautiful, well-constructed piece of music.

Aluminum Slitting — like a full symphony — represents a manufacturing process where machinery and tools cut aluminum or steel into various widths. In a nutshell, a slitting line performs this operation, commencing when an uncoiler machine feeds and uncoils coiled aluminum or steel sheets. Subsequently, the material passes through the slitter head, which cuts it into long strips (mults) according to specifications. Rigorous tests and quality checks then verify the precision-cut mults before recoiling, packing, and shipping them to various industries worldwide.

The Aluminum Slitting Line and Its Components

The entire slitting operation, particularly the slitting line, executes a straightforward steel and aluminum slitting process. For example, like a bicycle chain set, each link plays a key role in ensuring precise flow and the production of quality end products. Let’s explore these key elements:


Initially loading the large steel or aluminum coil, the uncoiler unwinds the coil as it feeds the metal strip into the slitting section. It operates a tension control system to maintain proper strip tension during the process.

Entry Guide:

A cylindrical device at the entrance of a tube mill maintains the strip on the mill centerline so that the forming process uniformly bends the material.

Slitter Head:

The slitter head, the heart of the slitting machine, consists of a set of rotary knives or blades that precisely cut along the length of the metal strip. Operators adjust these blades to achieve the desired strip width.

Loop Pit or Pit Table:

A controlled area for the metal strip to form a loop, the loop pit or pit table helps maintain consistent tension during the slitting process and prevents damage to the strip.

Tension Control System:

Essential for maintaining proper tension throughout the process, tension control systems adjust the speed at which the metal strip is fed to prevent issues like wrinkling or stretching.


After the slitting process, the narrower strips wind onto recoiler mandrels. Multiple recoilers may process different widths simultaneously. They feature tension control mechanisms to ensure uniform winding.

Recoiler Mandrels:

Spindles onto which the slit strips wind, recoiler mandrels are designed to accommodate various coil sizes. They include features like expandable segments to secure the strips.

Control Panel:

Modern […]

15 05, 2023

American Metal Processor Spotlight: The Versatility of Steel

2023-06-28T21:16:51+00:00May 15th, 2023|News Blog|

Steel is one of the most versatile materials on the planet, and National Material Company, a leading American metal processor, knows it better than most. In this blog, we’ll explore the unique properties that make steel a durable, strong, and adaptable material for a wide range of applications. From construction to transportation to everyday household items, steel has become an integral part of our lives.

Join us as we dive into the versatility of this material and why it continues to be a crucial component in various industries.

Strength and Durability

One of the most notable properties of steel is its strength and durability. Steel is known for its high tensile strength, which means it can withstand a lot of stress without breaking or deforming. This makes it ideal for use in construction, where it can be used to create buildings, bridges, and other structures that need to support a lot of weight and withstand harsh weather conditions.

Flexibility and Malleability

While steel is incredibly strong, it is also remarkably flexible and malleable. This means it can be shaped and molded into a variety of forms without losing its strength. This makes it ideal for use in manufacturing, where it can be used to create everything from car parts to household appliances.

Corrosion Resistance

Another important property of steel is its resistance to corrosion. Steel, when properly treated, is highly resistant to rust and other forms of corrosion, making it an ideal choice for various applications. For instance, steel coils can undergo a galvanizing process in a continuous galvanizing line, like the one available at National Galvanizing – a National Material partner company. This process involves applying a galvanized coating to the steel, which further enhances its corrosion resistance. Galvanized steel is widely used in automotive manufacturing, appliances, agricultural equipment, and other demanding applications where superior corrosion protection is essential.

Notably, galvanized steel body panels are highly sought after by automakers due to their exceptional corrosion protection. These panels enable automakers to offer corrosion-free performance for extended periods, often guaranteeing a decade or longer of rust-free operation.


Steel is also highly recyclable, which makes it an environmentally friendly choice. When steel products reach the end of their useful life, they can be recycled and used to create into new steel products, reducing the need for new steel production, and conserving natural resources.


Finally, steel is a cost-effective, widely available material and is easy to manufacture. This makes it an affordable choice for a wide range of applications, from construction to manufacturing to consumer goods. American metal processors like NMC have the expertise to offer cost-effective solutions to their customers. By leveraging their knowledge of steel processing and manufacturing, they can produce high-quality products at competitive prices.

What are the types of steel and how is it determined?

Steel types are determined based on various factors, including their chemical composition, physical properties, and intended use. The main elements that determine the properties of steel are carbon, alloying […]

15 04, 2023

American Steel Processor Spotlight: Roll Forming

2023-05-10T16:10:53+00:00April 15th, 2023|News Blog|

Roll forming plays a critical role in the steel manufacturing industry by shaping steel products in a way that can significantly impact their strength, durability, and performance. As you look around, you’ll notice that every object has a shape that distinguishes it from others, and this is equally true for steel products. From the curves and angles of a car frame to the outline and contours of a building’s roof, this process plays a vital role in shaping our world.

That’s why we’re putting roll forming in the spotlight and showcasing how National Material Company (NMC) leads the industry in this process.

Roll forming is a manufacturing process that is commonly used in the steel industry to shape sheet metal into various cross-section profiles. In a nutshell, it’s a continuous process that involves passing a metal strip or sheet through a series of rollers. This method is highly precise, and the rollers are designed and/or calibrated to gradually shape the material – making complex shapes possible with tight tolerances and consistent quality.

How Roll Forming Changed the Steel Industry

 Its origin can be traced back to the late 19th century when the first roll forming machines were developed in Europe and the United States. These early machines were used primarily for producing simple shapes, such as roofing panels and gutters, and were powered by manual or hydraulic systems.

Prior to the invention of this process, shaping metal into various forms was a labor-intensive process that required skilled craftsmen to forge, cast, or fabricate the material by hand. Some of the most common processes used are forging, casting, extrusion, machining, and stamping.

While these processes are still used today for certain applications, roll forming offered several advantages over these traditional methods, including faster production times, lower labor costs, and the ability to produce more complex shapes and profiles. By feeding a continuous strip of metal through a series of rollers, roll forming machines could produce long, uniform sections of material with a high degree of accuracy and repeatability.

Roll Forming Process

Determining the specifications for the profile – in addition to form and function – is the initial stage of the production process. This includes the material type, thickness, width, length, and the desired cross-sectional shape.

The profile is then sketched out in 2D, or 3D using CAD (computer-aided design) software and should meet the specific requirements – including any tolerances or other design constraints. A flat pattern (two-dimensional representation) is then created and shows how the profile will look when it is unrolled into a flat sheet.

The next step is to add the necessary tooling to the forming machine. This includes the rollers, guides, and other components that are required to produce the profile. Once the profile design is complete, it is simulated using roll-forming software to ensure that the design is feasible and that the tooling is correct. Once the design is finalized, a prototype of the profile is produced and tested to ensure […]

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